Port Conveyance
What is Port Conveyance?
Agencies and departments of the Federal government may find that they own property that they no longer require due to programmatic changes, relocation of resources, or other operational changes. The Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, provides for the disposal of excess real property to other executive agencies that could benefit from that property.
What is the Port Conveyance Program?
The Port Conveyance Program is designed to temporarily transfer the use and management of excess Federal property to States and local governments for the purposes of port development, port expansion, and operation of port facilities. Since the program’s inception, the Maritime Administration has conveyed nearly three thousand acres of property to State and local governments in support of port facilities.
How does it work?
The Port Conveyance Program requires the Maritime Administration to receive, evaluate, and approve applications from prospective grantees to make recommendation for assignments of surplus property to be used for the development or operation of a port facility. MARAD, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce, reviews and approves economic development plans submitted by eligible applicants to determine if the plan is viable as part of a necessary economic development program. Conveyance involves no monetary consideration, provided the property is used and maintained in perpetuity as a port facility. Excess military installations are usually disposed of as a part of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990
What are the Benefits of Conveyance?
Well-planned port conveyance development projects improve port facility productivity and promote seamless intermodal transfer, which in turn benefits port communities by improving access to land, reducing highway and rail congestion, and minimizing air pollution. Port improvements also create jobs and stimulate the economy in localities that the Department of Labor considers Labor Surplus Areas.
For questions about this or any Port program, contact the Office of Deepwater Port Licensing & Port Conveyance.