Investigation Requirements
The EMBARC Standards outline policies and procedures that seek to prevent, respond to, and redress incidents of SASH and foster a safe and supportive environment.
Vessel Operator policies shall require that:
- Thorough investigations of alleged violations of the SASH policy meet best practices for investigations of sexual assaults and sexual harassment (see SOCP resources identified below).
- Interviews be conducted using trauma-informed interview methods, which includes asking questions of an individual who has survived sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking in a manner that is focused on the experience of the victim-survivor, does not judge, or blame the victim-survivor, and is informed by evidence-based research on the neurobiology of trauma.
- SASH Contacts maintain records of any possible violations, including:
- Investigative findings
- Corrective actions (where appropriate)
- Referral to proper authorities
Note: The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) has developed materials for the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment affecting the shipboard climate in the U.S. maritime industry. These SASH Prevention Materials | SOCP include, but are not limited to, a Best Practice Guide (BPG), containing recommendations in the following areas:
- Company Investigation Process
- Response to Sexual Assault and Harassment
- Complaint and Investigation Procedures (Example)
- Investigation Outline (Example)