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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

A Federally designated Community Development Zone is a qualified Opportunity Zone, Empowerment Zone, Promise Zone, or Choice Neighborhood.

Applicants can find additional information about each of the designated zones at the sites indicated below:

Opportunity Zones: (

Empowerment Zones: (

Promise Zones: (

Choice Neighborhoods: (


"Historically Disadvantaged Community" is defined for the PIDP program in the 2022 NOFO, consistent with OMB's Interim Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative. A project is located in a Historically Disadvantaged Communities if:

(1) the project is located in certain qualifying census tracts, identified in this tableOR

(2) the project is located on Tribal land; OR

(3) the project is located in any territory or possession of the United States.

Additionally, DOT is providing a mapping tool to assist applicants in identifying whether a project is located in a Historically Disadvantaged Community at Use of this map tool is optional; applicants are welcome to provide an image of the map tool outputs, but the designation of project location and eligibility as a Historically Disadvantaged Community will be verified by the Department upon receipt of the application. Please note that for the PIDP program, the Historically Disadvantaged Community designation is based on where the majority of project costs will be expended (not necessarily where the majority of project is constructed). If the project crosses boundaries of Historically Disadvantaged Community and a non-Historically Disadvantaged Community, please provide sufficient details by component in the project budget for the Department to verify where the majority of project costs will be expended. For technical assistance using the mapping tool, please contact